Hello. Welcome to my page, my name is Raincoat Richard, and I am the drummer for the Raincoat Boyz. Since 1999, I have been making music with my friend Raincoat Kevin. I don't do too much for the band, but you can find me in your local supermarket in the magazines section. See you there! Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn!Make your own custom glitters words at Websets by Lynn! March 27th, 2001

Hello fellow Raincoat Freaks, I am back with the questions from our fans!

Q: What is your favourite food/drink?

A: Pizza and Cola. LOL.


Q: What is your least favourite dessert?

A: Cupcakes. I do not like them at all. They're too sweet like that Stupid Kevin!


Q: Who or what frustrates you the most?

A: You already know the answer. (P.S. It's the damn pizza delivery guy being late with our order.)


Q: Do you like your friendship with Kevin?

A: I like it. Kevin is a warm-hearted person. Although, I would like it better if he didn't try to steal my future wife away from me.


Q: What are your opinions on the new pineapple tomato BBQ pizza they serve downtown?

A: I tried it...and I vomited in a public bathroom after that.


Q: What is your favourite way to pass the time?

A: Obviously, paying taxes! (Just kidding, I like to look at nude photo mags)